The Digital Piano Methodology

by Prof. Christian A. Pohl

An English language version is now online!!!!

After a year of work, we are very excited to make the Digital Piano Methodology available to all English-speaking users. Not only are all videos subtitled in English, but separate videos have also been created in which the graphics and texts within the videos are in English. We are also working on constantly improving the translations.

Enjoy the Digital Piano Methodology!

The "Digital Piano Methodology" on this website is the ideal complement to the book "Piano Methodology", which was published by Edition Peters in April 2022. For four years and in well over 1000 hours of work, the "Digital Piano Methodology" has been a worldwide unique further training offer for piano teachers, students and all those who would like to deal more intensively with artistic piano playing.

Methods, concepts, learning objectives, practice models and case studies of Christian A. Pohl's piano methodology can be experienced here and directly applied to one's own practice.

Those who wish to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of piano methodology will be introduced to Prof. Christian A. Pohl's piano methodology in an exciting and varied online course.

If desired, certificates can also be obtained upon completion of the courses.

26 Methods

Methods for lively and successful piano practice, tried and tested over many years of artistic and pedagogical practice. Explained clearly and in detail in lovingly created teaching videos. The Basic Level methods are already online!

13 Concepts

Exciting topics such as articulation, progressive sound pictures, dynamic development models and many more inspire us to create lively interpretations. The Basic Level concepts are already online!

47 Learning objectives

Practising is not the same as playing. "Practising" means dedicating oneself to a specific musical, technical, mental or metacognitive goal. What such goals can be is explained in the learning objectives section. Each learning objective is linked to the methods and concepts that will help us achieve the goal. The videos relating to the learning objectives of the Basic Level are already online!

23 Practice models

The full potential of Piano Methodology is shown in the practice models, where several methods are combined to solve technical playing or musical tasks. There are no limits to creativity. The practice models presented here are designed to inspire you to develop your own models.

Instructional videos

Detailed and attractively designed instructional videos guide you step by step through the fascinating world of this Piano Methodology.

A complete Training programme online!

Included in the subscription is a complete Piano Methodology Training programme in over 100 lessons! With the help of entertaining videos, interesting tasks and exciting tests, you will be guided through the entire Piano Methodology by Prof. Christian A. Pohl. Step by step you will delve deeper into the fascinating world of Piano Methodology.

The online study programme consists of three courses that build on each other: the Basic Level, the Professional Level and the Expert Level.

Basic Level is already available online in its entirety.

Your students learn with you!

The "Digital Piano Methodology" includes a fantastic feature. As a teacher, you can add students in no time to your account and share videos with them to watch in preparation for the next lesson. Not only will you save time, you will also help your students gain a profound knowledge of piano methodology.
Best of all, this feature is already included in your subscription!

Lots of flashcards

The entire Piano Methodology is presented in the form of flashcards on which the essential aspects are explained, and facilitate a step-by-step introduction of the methods in piano lessons.
Each flashcard has been carefully developed and attractively designed.

What customers say


[...] I ordered the book the same day and it didn't take me an hour to fall in love with reading it. I have never read a book in my life that I have followed with such excitement and interest. Her methods and concepts inspired me so much that I suddenly read through the book in one weekend. Although I initially intended to adopt individual methods and try them out, I was also motivated to familiarise myself with the subsequent methods and concepts. It was almost 400 pages of qualitative and pure knowledge to read. You could feel the love and dedication you put into your work in every sentence.
The main reason why I like the book so much is that it was not written in a classic continuous text where you get the feeling that every single sentence serves to increase the number of pages. The simple yet ingenious structure of a short introduction, followed by learning objectives, principle, implementation, extension and any pedagogical tips in each method, ensured constant motivation. This made the learning content more tangible and similar to a manual. You only have to open a page and you will immediately find all the essential content you need for a method. This is hardly possible in a conventional book, as the quintessence is lost in all the sentences if you need it again. The flashcards are revolutionary. It is simply fun to work out a new method or a new Attack with the flashcards. Not only for me, but also for my piano students. [] Apart from that, there's not much more I can say other than thank you very much for this piano method! With every method, you can see the love down to the smallest detail and the twenty years of work it took you to create this masterpiece. It is an enrichment for my practice. At the age of 22, I had reached a point where my intuitive playing was no longer sufficient and gradually required cognitively understandable, playfully controlled practising/playing. Your piano methodology is helping me to master this transition and to move on to confident practising in the future. In which I not only play, but also understand. [Your piano methodology contributes significantly to expanding my knowledge of systematic practising and structured teaching.

Toni Schönbach piano student

I am very grateful for the tremendous work that Prof Christian A. Pohl has done to pass on the wonders of artistic piano playing to new generations. A method that combines rationality with emotion and art with life in an organic development from the inside out (and with a didactic approach that is very inspiring and rich in poetic images!)
Since the beginning of the lessons, I have started to apply them in my daily practice and I can already feel a big difference!
I hope that your work will reach many more young piano lovers.

Mateus Fonseca
piano student


Flex Abo

Access to over 90 exclusive teaching videos A complete online course (Basic Level) that guides you through piano methodology, including interesting tests and exciting tasks Sharing the videos with up to 10 of your own students (no registration required for students) Can be cancelled monthly

€ 29.99 Introductory price € 24.99

per month

Videos online

Symmetrically emphasised

Lesson 1  
Emphasis Method 

Two colours!

Lesson 2  
Emphasis Method 

Two colours = two Attacks

Lesson 3  
Emphasis Method 

The doppio principle! Simple and effective

Lesson 1  
Doppio Method 

Sharp changes!

Lesson 2  
Doppio Method 

Two rhythms, two Attacks

Lesson 3  
Doppio Method 

We will become virtuosos!

Lesson 1  
Grouping Method 

Spicy and precisely played!

Lesson 2  
Grouping Method 

We programme play reflexes

Lesson 1  
Horizontal Addition Method 

The magic formula

Lesson 2  
Horizontal Addition Method 

Practise musically, not technically!

Lesson 3  
Horizontal Addition Method 

The basics ...

Lesson 1  
Metronome Build-up Method 

Fascinating: the magnification of the pulse

Lesson 2  
Metronome Build-up Method 

Who is leading here?

Lesson 3  
Metronome Build-up Method 

Light grey and dark grey become black and white

Lesson 1  
Black-and-White Method 

At the limit

Lesson 2  
Black-and-White Method 

Colour Purity and still musical!

Lesson 3  
Black-and-White Method 

Goodbye rattling!

Lesson 5  
Black-and-White Method 

Show one, hear the other

Lesson 6  
Black-and-White Method 

One key: the feel of the game!

Lesson 4  
Black-and-White Method 

Create a map

Lesson 1  
Letter Method 

Creative labelling

Lesson 2  
Letter Method 

The principle

Lesson 1  
Decoding Method 

Freedom through limitation

Lesson 2  
Decoding Method 

Mental work

Lesson 3  
Decoding Method 

Stabilise - first things first

Lesson 4  
Decoding Method 

Stabilising - on the way to the summit

Lesson 5  
Decoding Method 

Stabilising - looking inwards

Lesson 6  
Decoding Method 

Step by step - didactic considerations

Lesson 7  
Decoding Method 

A simple principle with a big impact

Lesson 1  
Retro Method 

More safety after working with the decoding method

Lesson 2  
Retro Method 

On your marks, get set, .... !

Lesson 1  
Stopwatch Method 

Always take it easy!

Lesson 2  
Stopwatch Method 

What is the Systematic Piano Methodology?


How is this training structured?


What are learning areas?


What are learning objectives?


What are methods and flashcards?


What are concepts?


What are practice models?


How do I use the Systematic Piano Methodology in everyday practice?



From intuition to the concept ....

Lesson 1  
Microdynamics Method 

From concept to sound

Lesson 2  
Microdynamics Method 

The most important concentration points

Lesson 3  
Microdynamics Method 

Not all speech is the same!

Lesson 4  
Microdynamics Method 

What are we exaggerating?

Lesson 1  
Exaggeration Method 

From the exaggeration to the original

Lesson 2  
Exaggeration Method 


Lesson 1  

Parameters Of Attack I

Lesson 2  

Parameters Of Attack II

Lesson 3  

Parameters Of Attack III

Lesson 4  

Parameters Of Attack IV

Lesson 5  

Model Of Attack I

Lesson 6  

Model Of Attack II

Lesson 7  


Lesson 1  

The four legato forms

Lesson 2  

Portato and three staccato forms

Lesson 3  

An allemande and five Articulations

Lesson 4  


Lesson 1  
Interpretation Plan 

How do I create an articulation concept?

Lesson 2  
Interpretation Plan 

What we hear and how we feel

Lesson 1  
Internal and External Parameters 

Thoughts on planning the exercise

Lesson 1  
Microscopic and Macroscopic Work 

Introduction and the search for positions

Lesson 1  
Positioning Technique 

Four-tone positions

Lesson 2  
Positioning Technique 

Three-tone and five-tone positions

Lesson 3  
Positioning Technique 

Connect positions

Lesson 4  
Positioning Technique 


Lesson 1  
Progressive Sound Patterns 

The Uniform Sound Pattern

Lesson 2  
Progressive Sound Patterns 

The Original Sound Pattern

Lesson 3  
Progressive Sound Patterns 

Progressive Sound Patterns meet the Metronome Build-up Method

Lesson 4  
Progressive Sound Patterns 

Introduction Tempo Concepts

Lesson 1  
Tempo Concepts 

The Comfortable Tempo

Lesson 2  
Tempo Concepts 

Four more Tempo Concepts

Lesson 3  
Tempo Concepts 

Text knowledge

Learning objective 

Tempo spectrum and tempo control

Learning objective 

Text comprehension

Learning objective 

Variable pulse

Learning objective 


Learning objective 

Attack flexibility

Learning objective 

Dynamic amplitude and black and white Sound Patterns

Learning objective 

Dramaturgical Flexibility

Learning objective 

Text security

Learning objective 

Polyphony and perception

Learning objective 

Colour Purity

Learning objective 

Dynamic phrasing

Learning objective 

Reed playing

Learning objective 


Learning objective 

Hand moulding

Learning objective 

Finger strength

Learning objective 

Original Tempo

Learning objective 


Learning objective 

Technical economy

Learning objective 

Sound Patterns

Learning objective 

Fluidity, elasticity, momentum

Learning objective 

Ménage a trois

Practice models  

Introduction to the structure of exercise models Ménage a trois


Memorise II

Practice models  

Plasticity in passages

Practice models  

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